So you think your kid is cute? How about smart?

Cute enough to win a college scholarship?

Lee from an ad agency representing the popular British clothing company, Next Direct asked me to help spread the word that they are coming to America! They're coming to America!...they're coming to America!....TOD...ok sorry for that brief yet tragic lapse into the horror that is Neil Diamond, I blame my husband who drove around in a truck for several years as a child with his tape stuck in the player and then attempted (apparently not altogether unsuccessfully), to brainwash me in turn.

Anyway back to Next Direct. They are celebrating their coming to America by running a children’s modeling competition to find a 4-7 year old who will become the face of Next Direct, win a $100,000 college scholarship fund, and one year contract with Wilhelmina Models!
Wow. That's one. hundred. thousand. bucks for school. That's a lot of school dough. A lot.

Entry will open February 18th on their Facebook page at 7am EST and parents can send in photos of their child who will appear in a voting gallery for the public to choose their new model. Fifty finalists will be invited to Universal Studios on April 24th where the winner will be chosen. Universal Studios! Whohooo!

Not too shabby eh? Get your snaphappymama on.

I checked out Next, and I really must say, their clothing is super adorable and shockingly affordable too. They have some pretty groovy big people clothing too. You should go ahead and enter your little darling(s) but I would not hold your breath, because I'm probably going to send in a photo of Finny, and then it is best that we all accept and agree that it will be over for anyone else. That's just my completely unbiased opinion of course.

I'm reading: So you think your kid is cute? How about smart?Tweet this!


Aunt LoLo said...

Oh! BBJ isn't quite old enough your Finny is safe. ;-) Good luck!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I've never heard of them.

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Thats really cool.

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