It’s pretend Spring and I’m throwing down man…..


I have loved March so far.

No wait, I have adored March so far. The weather has been sublime for this time of year.

Yesterday I was running around in little running shorts and a T-shirt and perfectly comfortable. It was a bit odd when I would have to pick my way through the odd pile of snow here and there but it worked for me.

This week the open car window has been my hair blow dryer, the park has been my treadmill, the sun has been my anti-depressant.

I would so love if it would last. But alas, I am not naiive. It shan’t. But it does give me hope and remember why life in Ohio is occasionally worth living.

I must brag at this juncture that I have worked out every day (apart from Sundays) since February 22nd I have worked out hard in fact. It has been a struggle after a long, slackerly 3 x a week workout Winter, but it is getting to be fun. I have more energy, my bicep muscles are amazing (or so I think), I can do things I never thought possible. Like box jumps.I never thought I could. Turns out I can. Quite easily in fact. Maybe I’d have gone my whole life thinking only people on the Biggest Loser with a scary trainer screaming at them can do box jumps.

Which makes me think of you guys and the Momedy Throwdown which is drawing to a close…very soon.

What can you do that you thought you couldn’t?

If you want in go here and check it out.

As of now the leaders on the wall are:

For the plank:

Benjamin with 3:30

For the push ups

Chase with 67 in a row

For the mile

Benjamin with 7:35

For the wall sit

Megan with 7:20

For the Bench dips

Ryan with 35

For the sit ups

Connie with 115

For the pull ups

Nathan with 15 (but he doesn’t count)

For the jump rope

Jen Lynn with 93

For the 5k

Gosia with 33:19

and for weight loss

Britanny with 6lbs

People! Are you going to stand by and let this happen?

Go forth and conquer. Even if it is only conquering yourself and getting on the wall. It’s not too late! It all ends March 31st. There will be prizes (random drawings for anyone on the wall as well as for winners). Don’t make me give them to Nathan. There’s no time like the present. Swimsuit season is looming, spring into April a winner whydontcha?

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