The Finny face turned 7 on Cinco de Mayo. Seven!! How does this happen? It’s absolutely outrageous. All outrage aside here are some scenes from his big day.
This one was taken the night before..his last photo as a 6 year old rocking the Christmas jammies in May.
When given the option of anything for his birthday breakfast he chose….. Trix cereal. Hey, it sure works for this sleep deprived mommy.
Here Gracie is doing the honours of opening the box for him “the proper way”. This is serious business folks.
He got a couple of presents before school…new shoes and a shirt (I must once again highly recommend the practice of giving your kids stuff they need anyway for their birthdays…mine have yet to catch on..)
(Hey. It’s a shirt with a 7 on it. This was very exciting to us all.) OK and now here’s the big moment: the first shot at showing us 7 fingers hmmm… not to be picky Finny but it looks more like a claw..
Trying again…there ya go. That’s what I’m talking about.
I surprised him by taking him a Subway sandwich at lunchtime. (As an aside: I’d had a lovely long walk in the glorious weather (which finally got glorious in honour of his birthday) so I treated myself to a nice healthy sandwich too. I was starving and so super excited about eating it. Unfortunately Shemly found it -still in the bag- while I was changing the baby. And this is what remained…I was a tad disappointed. And by a tad disappointed I mean I genuinely hated that dog for several hours thereafter. Don’t mess with a nursing woman and her chicken salad sandwich.)
Back to Finny!! So. I baked some cupcakes to share with his little friends at school and Aaron and I went to deliver them just before the end of the day (this is the: “omigosh woman are you seriously asking me to pose in front of my friends ok but do it quickly” pained squinty smile..
Although “little” friends is a bit of a misnomer. This little girl turned 7 that day too. Isn’t the size disparity between boys and girls in elementary school hilarious? But he’s cool. And cool trumps tall.
Showing off his little sister to his classmates was his favourite part. They were all very much impressed, especially those who thought I was just getting really, really, really fat all this time.
Back at home he got a couple more great presents-Legos and Playmobil. Hooray!
Talking to granny (who had a birthday the day before) and grandpa in South Africa
Ella had to be content with talking to her bears..but they are clearly pretty boring.
And then it’s off to dinner. Finny chose the Chinese buffet. Our kids are nothing if not fancy eaters. (That there is some gourmet fare of chocolate pudding and various fried items)
In other news: both Aaron and I got the same fortune. See below. We don’t quite know what this means for the old friends. But if you would like to be our new friends please let us know. Apparently the time is right.
Back to Finny!! Showing the maturity of his advanced years, he chose to take in some culture (rather than going to soccer practise) by watching his big brother Gabe at his orchestra concert. Yay Gabe!
Back to Finny!! When we got home there was one more surprise gift. A super-groovy plasma car. Here Gabe is riding it into the living room. Finny has his back turned and is oblivious. I love Gabe and Gracie’s anticipatory faces in this.
(Btw: Check out the blue and white plate on the mantel- Gracie made it for me for Mothers day and it was chosen to be in the school’s art show. Isn’t it pretty?)
Back to Finny!! He remains oblivious…and can’t understand why everyone is giggling. Very reminiscent of the year he got his Diego bike.
Finally turns around….hops right on…
And he is off!
No birthday would be complete without our birthday sing and cuddle time…he is still my baby boy.
And I love him so. He is my little son-shine. It is always beautiful weather on his birthday and I think that is so appropriate. He lights up my life so much! I love you my little Finny of Finnsterville to the moon and back!
Do you want to see him when he turned 6, 5 and 5 and 4 and 4? Not sure why I had multiple posts for one birthday-I guess I had more time on my hands back then :) Just click, baby shoes :)
Finny turns 7: a birthday recap
Posted by Kirsty at Monday, May 09, 2011
Labels: Birthdays, Finny, Memory maker, Tributes and accolades

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I clicked and cried at all the years gone I wish I did this for my kiddos! Oh and by the way do you call any of your kids by their actual names? LOL I seen Jonathan spelled out in the cookies....what is up with that?
Awwww!! What a lovely post! Your kids are just so gorgeous! I can't get over how grown-up and handsome Gabe is looking at his concert! And Gracie! What a talented little artist she is. And what a good Mommy you are! Congrats on your boy being 7!
Lots of love,
Oh that last picture brought tears to my eyes. What a snugglebug you have.
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