This little chica.
We took these photos on her 19 month birthday. Exactly a year (to the day) after we took her 7 month photos!
Let us compare…
October 22nd, 2012…………………with………………………….October 22nd, 2011.
Yup! Still cute. But wow, what a difference a year makes!
But back to when she was 18 months old…
When she was 18 months old:
Ella loved bowls filled with little things (berries in this case), exploring our garden and being outside in general.
And hanging out with “Shemmy” who she adores and bosses around equally.
(here she is giggling hysterically at “Shemmy’s antics)
She also likes to feed Shemmy her food. Which makes it easier for Shemmy to put up with all her attention.
She ran away from home with a little packed bag late one chilly Saturday night. And got all the way to the end of the front path..
Before reluctantly returning (you can see the whole story here)
When Ellabeth was 18 months old:
Went to the apple orchard…which she LOVED.
Dressed up briefly as a giraffe (she was not a fan). Hence her “hat/hood free” Hallowe’en costume.
When she was 18 months old she liked:
Escaping half naked to play outside (and saying CHEEEESE for the camera)
She did not like:
to be told what to read (or to be read to) and had a very strong fascination with brochures, pamphlets, medication inserts and leaflets.
Exhibit a) a pile of books I tried to read her one night, studiously ignored. Exhibit b) Kroger circular. Studied for 15 minutes.
When Ellabeth was 18 months old she:
Gave mommy very short windows of opportunity to do her hair (evidenced by uneven piggies…hey…we take what we can get.)
Loved: her little doll, wash-cloths, swaddling her doll with wash cloths, and condiment packets from McDonalds (also: pulling really natural smiles for the camera).
Speaking of McD’s. When she was 18 months old, we went on our first date there, just us two. And she got the world’s cutest ice cream cone as a treat.
She still loved to find a little seat wherever she could.
And to fold her arms if she felt that the atmosphere had become reverent in any way…
Was a special guest of both Finny and Gracie at school
Continued her undying obsession with technology. Specifically iPhones. (Seen here briefly appeased with an old phone. Until she spotted me taking her photo with my iPhone, whereupon she insisted on having the iPhone, and I am pained to admit, spent our entire bike ride glued to it, deleting my apps rather than enjoying and observing the fresh air and nature all around her….) screaming her head off about being confined in a moving vehicle Yes, we are those parents now. Oh the shame and the guilt.
And with “tee-dee” (TV) specifically “Bub, Bub BUPPIES” (Bubble guppies). Seen here absorbed in such. (Please don’t send me, “they aren’t supposed to even know that TV exists until they are two”, articles. I’m a bad mom. Understood.)
She was also obsessed with computers. I don’t know where she gets that. Also her great fashion sense here…not sure where….
When she was 18 months old, she loved blankies, specifically, folding them and carrying them around and she was a TROOPER at many a chilly soccer game.
When she was 18 months old she super duper haaaaated her stroller, and the shopping cart (unless it was a car cart, and her big bro rode next to her…then she super loved it.)
When she was 18 months old, she got her mommy back after two whole weeks. At first she was not sure what to do with that. It was awesome, and also really weird for a couple of days.
When she was 18 months old she was a champion napper, and not such a champion night sleeper. She still subsisted mostly on oatmeal and flax, fruit, chicken nuggets, ham, cheese and yogurt, oh and milk..(no osteoporosis here folks!) She had lots of new words. She loved her siblings and her friends, her books (if she picked them herself), music (especially the song “Beautiful Life” by Fisher), and working on counting to 10. She could spend hours reading and talking to herself in her crib during the day, but not a second in there (conscious), alone in the dark. She loved being 18 months old and we loved her being 18 months old too. So very much.
To read about Ella when she was other months old, click here (and scroll, and scroll and scroll )
Personally, I think she is even cuter this year in the pumpkin patch. Also, tell her when next running away she will do better with shoes on. BTW, in the reverent pictures, she is the image of her mamam
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