The elixir of life...(and a giveaway!)

Do you remember my hyper-manic post recently? The day I was a Super Being? Wherein I attributed my superhuman physical prowess to Krispy Kreme doughnuts?


So upon further investigation I realized that the strength would probably be better attributed to the real (scientifically proven) elixir of life that I was imbibing at that time. This would make a lot more sense. Given that I was eating only krispy kremes at the time, I would say it is a safe bet.

What was I chugging?

The juice of the Gods. The antioxidant power atomic bomb.

I speak of course, of POM Wonderful.

A while ago the cool people at POM Wonderful sent me some of their lovely juice to try. That was nice of them, don't you think?

I was most thrilled because:
1. My friend Chuck, who ran the Boston Marathon in 2:45 (for those of you that do not run, that's insanely good) had been telling me about his affection for this substance, and
I wanted to try it for myself. Because I dream of one day running one mile at the pace he ran the entire Boston marathon.

2. The bottles are ridiculously cute. No? And I am the hugest sucker for packaging.

3. I knew a little about how good pomegranate juice it is for you, and since we were going into the holiday aka :"go like mad all day on 3 pieces of fudge" season, I though it was fortuitously timed that I get some seriously potent nutrition into my system at least once a day.

I was not disappointed. I really and truly and honestly felt an improvement in my overall well-being and work-out performance/ recovery over the short time that I was drinking just 8oz of this juice a day. Placebo effect? Perhaps. But I think probably not. I'm converted enough to buy my own. And given my notorious...frugality this is a major endorsement.

Here are the facts. It's all juice. 100% juice. No fillers, no water, no "other juices" like many other pomegranate juices on the market. All pomegranates all the time. It also:
  • contains no added sugars, preservatives or colors
  • is a good source of potassium
  • is gluten free
  • is flash pasteurized to retain both flavor and nutrients
Most impressively it has way more antioxidants then the stuff we are told is packed with them. It's really quite wonderful. Maybe that's why they named it that. They have this cool little chart to compare all the antioxidant powerhouses to each other but I can't find it much as I search. Anyway, they came up by far the most power-housey.

If you aren't into drinking it straight up, there are recipes on the web-page too.

The wonderful POM-Wonderful people have agreed to give one person who has qualified to be on The Wall (click on my home-page and scroll down), their very own POM Wonderful care package. Isn't that nice?

So! If you have not yet qualified to be on The Wall....go! Do something. Get on it! You have until this time next week to get on it. So..scoot...go. If you have no idea what I am on about, see here and here.
Then go to my home page and scroll all the way down to see what you are up against-I need to update it again.

(If you have linked here from WFMW you won't see it until you do that). Check out more stuff that works for other people at We are that family.

Disclaimer time. All reviews and endorsements are unpaid and genuine and because I really think the stuff I'm saying is nifty is, in fact, nifty.

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Brittany said...

I have to agree--what a cute little bottle! I don't think I've ever had pomegranate juice. Actually, I mostly drink water, except for the occasional 4g carb hot chocolate when I get a night time chocolate craving.