Back to school report~2012 Edition

Just one week and one day later..oh well.

learn wisdom

That there is our family scripture for the school year. A mash-up from here and here.  (Have I mentioned how much I love our huge kitchen chalkboard? I’m sure I never get carried away with it though…)

Please excuse the really rubbish quality of all the photos henceforth in this post. It was a “too busy to grab the real camera type of week….sometimes the iPhone camera really impresses me, and sometimes it doesn’t.)

The week before school re-defined the word “hectic” for me. I was moving non stop from sunup ‘til sundown getting everything ready for school and trying to get my temporary passport,(and all the hours in between because of poor sick Ella). It was a really stressful week and I’m kind of sad that they went by in such a blur.  I do have happy memories of the night before school though.

We got home late but Gracie and Finny had prepared a lovely table for us to have our traditional back to school dinner. Because we were out so late (at the Dr. with poor ‘Ilil Ella,) we ordered Chinese, the kids’ favourite, for the occasion, and picked up some bubbly to toast with. Gracie even sugared the rims of the glasses and put out the sweet.


We had Family Home Evening and talked about the scripture that Aaron and me had chosen for the school year.   We had a lesson about the importance of education and of standing up for what you know is right and being kind to everyone.

Without a doubt (even beating out the labeling stuff with a sharpie) my favourite part of back to school is the father’s priesthood blessings Aaron gives each of our school aged kids. I know it would be more reverent to close my eyes but I love to watch them, listening so seriously and intently not just to their own blessing but to each of their.  Their little faces always look so angelic. It is just so precious to me how much they love receiving these blessings,even as they get older, or maybe especially so.  This ritual is truly one of my most cherished moments of being a mother and it feels a little bit like freezing time for just a moment. Tose few minutes felt particularly peaceful and oasis like when everything else had been so rushed and stressed.

Next morning we were up bright and early (after about 2 hours of sleep courtesy sickie girl). Fortunately Aaron went to work late so that there was one of us to hold the baby while the other helped the kids. I don’t know how I would have handled it alone in my exhausted stupor.

Benj and Gabe on the early shift..


Finny and Gracie about an hour later..

2nd shift

Gracie made me smile with her lunch request. “Caprese salad please”. No PB and J for the Princess. (The little Glad containers that let you put the dressing separate please me, perhaps more than they should)


And they are off.  Who are these two tall handsome creatures? I’m quite certain that I am far to young to have given birth to either one of them. Benj started highschool. High.School. Something that I vividly remember. Like every day of. Because it happened only a couple of months ago. Excuse me while I hyperventilate…


And who are these gorgeous children? Caroline is in her final year of elementary school. She’s on Safety Patrol now. She wields a badge, a sash and a walkie talkie with dizzying efficiency. Finny is in THIRD grade. That’s not one of the teeny tinies anymore. He’s like…2 years away from being the top of the school-from being on the Safety Patrol.  Excuse me as I have an out of body experience.


Oh my gosh, what the what? My kids are such suck-ups! Winking smile


I love the first day of school walk to school. I grin like a maniac all the way there. I think it is the cutest. We have pictures of Finny and his friend walking together every year. When they were in kindergarten they held hands. (I dare you to click on that link and not weep at the cuteness). I got a little verklempt to see how much they are growing.  (They are not in the same class this year because as Finny explains, “Thompson makes me laugh too much”  Smile )


And then suddenly…it was quiet.  I think we’re alone now…just sleep deprived me and the sleep deprived sickie. It was an alarming prospect. Look at that poor little face.  (It has been much easier than I feared.)


After school my tribe returned to the homefront in dribs and drabs. While Ella had a very short nap, I rallied and rose above the fact that I was starving and exhausted to make the traditional oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies. I think that was probably my finest mothering hour. On sheer self sacrifice alone. Ok look. I’m really sorry if you think I am being a tad too self congratulatory-but clearly you do not understand how I feel about warm oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (especially when I am starving and exhausted…and STRESSED. Ok? Ok then. Yes. I do deserve a medal. I’m so glad you agree!)

Here’s the full mouthed verdict regarding each of their first days. Good news all around.  A mother’s dream come true. Smile (If Gracie looks disproportionately overjoyed, her teary eyes and beatific smile were because I had just informed of the birth of her new cousin Michael.)


In summary this is what we are looking at now;


And…..sorry I fainted….what was I saying?

See Back to School the 2011 2010 2009 2008  Editions! (Omigosh how cute and little they were! And now I am off to wail inconsolably into my pillow…)

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WRBC - The Happy Campers said...

Love this post... makes me teary eyed. My oldest started middle school this year, and the "baby" is only one year away from that. sniff....
You have an awesome blog! Would love it if you stopped by and visited mine :)

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW! You made me straight up cry into my tissue (kleenex, for all those from the USA) and also feel SO BAD about the things I did not do as a mother! Love, love, love all your traditions. Wish I had done more.